The build Part 2, Finishing the hull

 11 March: Foredeck on and starting the 52 stanchions along each side. Each one cut from brass wire and a 1.5mm guide hole in the deck. Painted and glued. 

This could take some time.

16th March: The hardest bit of strip bending I have done to get the shape around the stern for the gunwale. Not perfect but OK.

All the lower stanchions in and the gunwale ones and decoration done too.


21st March: Sanded and a base coat of matt varnish. Taped up and ready for the hull black.

23rd March: Hull painting done. Tried airbrushing but the brush I have was not very good, or the operator, as the first time I had tried. So resorted to old fashioned brushes. Black above and copper below the average waterline.

So onto the next stage...
